Since the dawn of time, the saying that my mother taught me and I'm sure was passed down to many other guys from generation to generation is that "The first thing that a woman looks at when she first meets a man is his shoes, then makes her way up from there." Not saying that dudes have to have the coldest pair of shoes in order to get rhythm from a female but basically that your shoes have to be clean and presentable and your clothes should also...but I would like to focus on clothing. Like, what is it that entices a female when she sees a man in "nice" clothes. This is a true story..My fraternity brothers and I wear suits once a week to exemplfiy professionalism and our "all about our business" mentality and we received great reviews from our fellow colleagues except one particular female who made a point to me. She told me that guys walking around campus with business suits can convey an image that we never thought about. She told me that there are females who will see dudes in a suit and automatically think that he is "rich" and he drives a nice a car and has a big time job, etc..so by wearing these suits, we will be liable to attract Gold diggers!! i thought this was interesting. I also thought that why is it that all of the "cool guys" at any particular level of schooling, whether it's middle, high, or even college, are the guys who usually dress the nicest. Why is it that in every level of schooling, the dude who dresses the nicest 9 times outta 10 gets a lot of females or the baddest of the females...imean most of the time, the guy who is the fanciest dresser isnt an athlete, he can dress nicely for some astonishing reason, he is treated superior to other people because of his clothes because of what? I don't understand what is it about a guy in expensive clothing that makes women start hawking because Im sure all women don't think that just becacuse a dude has prada shoes or Rock and Republic denim then he automatically has money because u dont know that person's situation...he could have all of those nice clothes and he could work full time at McDonalds and spends ALL of his money solely on kicks and clothes...But to give an answer to this extensive question is this....since the biblical times, early civilization times and etc, the upper class or the most prominent of men wore conspicuous clothing. The pharaohs from Egypt and the Kings and Rulers and Europe didnt wear the normal clothes that was worn by all of common people. The way of distinguishing an Emperor from a peasant was by his mere physical appearance..Musicians and celebrities separate themselves from average people by the clothes they wear. Im sure Lindsey Lohan doesnt own a pair of shoes that aren't atleast a 1000 dollars and I don't know anyone who can say the same...to tie this in to a level that people my age would understand is that subconsciously, due to the influence of history, and the media with glorifying celebrities, athletes, famous entreprenuers and as a result, people automatically think that a person who wears expensive clothes is someone "important" when in all actuality he or she could be exactly like you. The guy with the Gucci outfit could make the exact same amount as the guy with wrangler jeans and a Walmart T shirt. I've had females tell me that they thought I was cocky or conceited prior to meeting me because of the way I dressed. I had a female tell me that she was intimidated to chill with me because she wears clothes strictly for comfort and I might think im better than her with my "fancy" clothes, not realizing that I had no interest in the type of clothes she wore..Women should take time out of their schedule to meet these dudes before they pass judgment on him just because he enjoys name brand clothes...I dont kno too many guys that are attracted to girls based on the name brands they wear....this is because we don't care about stuff like that, just as long as she looks good in whatever it is that she's in then its cool..In conclusion, I think dudes have gotten treated differently by people based on how much they spent on their outfit instead of the type of person they are...and if you don't believe me, I challenge a guy who really doesn't care too much about fashion to go out and buy raw pair of OG jays or some foams and get an expensive outfit to go along with it and go to an event with a lot of people, i guarentee that you will get more looks, stares, and serious attention from females than you have before....all because of them fine fabrics
Angels and Politics

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