So while looking at the recent videos that Wale has released something is very evident. He is wearing Jerseys in each one of em, and I remember having this debate with my dude Ant about whether Jerseys could come back. From his stand point, he was saying that as long as its a clean, fitted NBA jersey then it could be acceptable to wear in public. From my standpoint, as I am currently writing this post, I have my TV on MTV hits and the Nelly song with Kelly Rowland is playing and the whole St. Lunatics are wearing Jerseys, including lets do our math...this song was off of the Nellyville album and I had to be in the 6th grade when that came out. If i'm a junior in college, I dont feel that I should be wearing the same things I was wearing when I was 12, thats just my personal opinion...But all in all, Wale is my dude and we all know that once your famous u can pull off anything you want to bcuz ur a celebrity, so If Kanye West wore overralls with the light up LA gears that we used to stunt with back in Pre-K, nobody would bat an eye bcuz its Kanye conclusion, I still have my jerseys from middle school and they are still raw if i do say so myself but sometimes you just gotta let things go and move on.....
Angels & Politics

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