Angels & Politics is a clothing line that ive created in Febuary. It all happened kinda fast, and it came across as sort of an epiphany. The meaning of the line is basically angels represent the non materialistic things in life like faith, religion, spiritual kind of things. The politics is basically the opposite, which represent the cars, clothes, money etc..basically the materialistic things in life. So i guess its a depiction on wat u rather live life for, the angels or the politics.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Section 80 July 2nd
Im cised about this upcoming work from Kendrick Lamar...he is going to be one of the greatest of this new era of hip hop..if not, THE greatest!!! mark my words
Angels & Politics
H&M and Versace

This is from "The big discount brand will be working with Versace on a womens, mens and home collection for Autumn/Winter 2011. The collaborative collection will hit 300 H&M stores, starting November 17th and will also be available online. In addition, Donatella Versace has also designed a pre-spring collection for H&M which will be exclusively available in countries with H&M on-line sales from January 19, 2012"
I think this is a great move because I shop at H&M but i havent bought anything from there in about half a year because I haven't been impressed with the quality of clothes and what they have available..the summer line is no comparison to the fall/winter line so im looking forward to that this year. Versace is one of the top designers in the world so with this collaboration hopefully she can propel H&M and make it into a "must-go" store to hit up like it used to be.
Back to the Future: Marty Mcfly
Too Raw.....4 all the sneaker heads
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Fallin off

So this topic was bound to come up and it has been on my heart for some time now...I just don't kno where to start but I am soooo confused by this so i felt it was necessary for me to blog about it...what is it about a year or two that drastically changes peoples eating habits and lifestyles because I have seen so many people that I used to go to school with and they are extremely BIG!!! Like im not even OD'n, its scary to me i dont get it. I understand somewhat for the females that have had kids once they've graduated high school because it's natural to put on pounds after a pregnancy, but there is no excuse for 85% of these cases. to put it simply, ppl are just lazy and they fell off, completley! Imean I see dudes that used to be physically fit wit muscles and all that extra stuff and now I see em on facebook looking talkin fat faces, triple chins, hot dog packs on the back of their necks, flab hanging over the belt, imean the list goes on...its really disappointing. Was the excessive amounts of walking from class to class that we did in school really that much of a factor to people's fitness?? I see these females at the strip walking around that I used to go to school with and they are legitimatley as big as a house...its a shame when you're having conversation with someone and you cant even concentrate on the convo because you're so captivated in the fact on how different they look and how much weight they put on...Its a shame when a girl is walking towards your direction and from a distance and I can't make out whether its a female or a RV that is rapidly approaching me...and this is my final question and I am really seeking this answer...I admitt to being somewhat of a shallow and superficial person so I believe that I care about how I look more than an average person and I can admitt to that, but what blows me is what do ppl tell themselves or how can they neglect the signs that they are getting Im sure I can look into the mirror and notice if my stomach is bigger than normal, Im sure that if i look at picture of me from a year ago and I notice that my face is larger than before than I should do what do you do when you visit family and friends and the first thing they point out to you is that " YOU'RE GAINING WEIGHT"...all of these signs would force me to mnake drastic changes but I guess that's just me...i just don't get it...
Angels & Politics
Future of 2012
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Traveling Luxurious
There are lot of dudes who don't feel comfortable with duffle bags, rucksacks, canvas bags and watnot and I feel em on that bcuz it's not for everyone. I personally think if ur into the high sense of fashion and you feel like flexing on certain occasions, then a duffle bag of some sort should always be in your vault. It doesnt have to be goyard like the images below because they are bags that cost thousands of dollars but a nice Polo duffle is reasonably priced if you're searching in the right places. I used to be on the fence about these over-sized bags when I was younger because I remember my dude Cam G had a Ralph Lauren duffle in his Junior year of high school and I thought it was kinda pretentious and excessive but in all actuallity, if your gonna lug around a backpack with all of your text books and an extra gym bag for basketball practice and weightlifting class, you might as well throw all of it one bag...He actually was making an intelligent decision while stuntin on niggaz in the hallways so big ups for that move. But as for everyone, a duffle should be used for traveling purposes or for those times when your in a suit and you're on campus. You dont want to be in a tailored suit lookin like a Dior Homme model and then you have a jansport bookbag around your those cases, a leather rucksack or a nice duffle should come into play. Just my opinion...
Angels & Politics
Also for all of those music heads that hear rappers like Kanye and Lupe talking about Goyard, these bags are what they are referring too. Just a heads up lol...they are extremely expensive!! but when you got it like that, you got it like that

Angels & Politics
Also for all of those music heads that hear rappers like Kanye and Lupe talking about Goyard, these bags are what they are referring too. Just a heads up lol...they are extremely expensive!! but when you got it like that, you got it like that

Tuesday, June 14, 2011
The Undeniable Attraction For Fine Fabrics

Since the dawn of time, the saying that my mother taught me and I'm sure was passed down to many other guys from generation to generation is that "The first thing that a woman looks at when she first meets a man is his shoes, then makes her way up from there." Not saying that dudes have to have the coldest pair of shoes in order to get rhythm from a female but basically that your shoes have to be clean and presentable and your clothes should also...but I would like to focus on clothing. Like, what is it that entices a female when she sees a man in "nice" clothes. This is a true story..My fraternity brothers and I wear suits once a week to exemplfiy professionalism and our "all about our business" mentality and we received great reviews from our fellow colleagues except one particular female who made a point to me. She told me that guys walking around campus with business suits can convey an image that we never thought about. She told me that there are females who will see dudes in a suit and automatically think that he is "rich" and he drives a nice a car and has a big time job, by wearing these suits, we will be liable to attract Gold diggers!! i thought this was interesting. I also thought that why is it that all of the "cool guys" at any particular level of schooling, whether it's middle, high, or even college, are the guys who usually dress the nicest. Why is it that in every level of schooling, the dude who dresses the nicest 9 times outta 10 gets a lot of females or the baddest of the females...imean most of the time, the guy who is the fanciest dresser isnt an athlete, he can dress nicely for some astonishing reason, he is treated superior to other people because of his clothes because of what? I don't understand what is it about a guy in expensive clothing that makes women start hawking because Im sure all women don't think that just becacuse a dude has prada shoes or Rock and Republic denim then he automatically has money because u dont know that person's situation...he could have all of those nice clothes and he could work full time at McDonalds and spends ALL of his money solely on kicks and clothes...But to give an answer to this extensive question is this....since the biblical times, early civilization times and etc, the upper class or the most prominent of men wore conspicuous clothing. The pharaohs from Egypt and the Kings and Rulers and Europe didnt wear the normal clothes that was worn by all of common people. The way of distinguishing an Emperor from a peasant was by his mere physical appearance..Musicians and celebrities separate themselves from average people by the clothes they wear. Im sure Lindsey Lohan doesnt own a pair of shoes that aren't atleast a 1000 dollars and I don't know anyone who can say the tie this in to a level that people my age would understand is that subconsciously, due to the influence of history, and the media with glorifying celebrities, athletes, famous entreprenuers and as a result, people automatically think that a person who wears expensive clothes is someone "important" when in all actuality he or she could be exactly like you. The guy with the Gucci outfit could make the exact same amount as the guy with wrangler jeans and a Walmart T shirt. I've had females tell me that they thought I was cocky or conceited prior to meeting me because of the way I dressed. I had a female tell me that she was intimidated to chill with me because she wears clothes strictly for comfort and I might think im better than her with my "fancy" clothes, not realizing that I had no interest in the type of clothes she wore..Women should take time out of their schedule to meet these dudes before they pass judgment on him just because he enjoys name brand clothes...I dont kno too many guys that are attracted to girls based on the name brands they wear....this is because we don't care about stuff like that, just as long as she looks good in whatever it is that she's in then its cool..In conclusion, I think dudes have gotten treated differently by people based on how much they spent on their outfit instead of the type of person they are...and if you don't believe me, I challenge a guy who really doesn't care too much about fashion to go out and buy raw pair of OG jays or some foams and get an expensive outfit to go along with it and go to an event with a lot of people, i guarentee that you will get more looks, stares, and serious attention from females than you have before....all because of them fine fabrics
Angels and Politics

Friday, June 10, 2011
I've never been Mavericks fan but for all who know me know that I always root for the underdogs...I just enjoy the sight and experiencing the feeling of having someone or a team who everyone counts out to come and win against all odds...imean when it comes to video games I do the same and this is a fact...when I play 2K, i play with the Timberwolves (the worst team n the game) while dudes pick the Heat and the Lakers, when I play Fifa and lames are pickin Real Madrid or Barcelona I play with the LA Galaxy, and finally when Im not playing with my Cowboys on Madden, I run with the Cardinals or the cmon son. Im jus saying, I know the Mavericks are far from suspect and they aren't even close to the Timberwolves but its a shame that a team has the 3 most DOMINANT players in the National Basketball Association and they are down 3-2...i really hope the Heat lose because all of these bandwagon fans need to realize that all that talent doesnt win championships...unselfish team-ball wins championships and my man Jason Kidd deserves a ring....

Call it a comeback?
So while looking at the recent videos that Wale has released something is very evident. He is wearing Jerseys in each one of em, and I remember having this debate with my dude Ant about whether Jerseys could come back. From his stand point, he was saying that as long as its a clean, fitted NBA jersey then it could be acceptable to wear in public. From my standpoint, as I am currently writing this post, I have my TV on MTV hits and the Nelly song with Kelly Rowland is playing and the whole St. Lunatics are wearing Jerseys, including lets do our math...this song was off of the Nellyville album and I had to be in the 6th grade when that came out. If i'm a junior in college, I dont feel that I should be wearing the same things I was wearing when I was 12, thats just my personal opinion...But all in all, Wale is my dude and we all know that once your famous u can pull off anything you want to bcuz ur a celebrity, so If Kanye West wore overralls with the light up LA gears that we used to stunt with back in Pre-K, nobody would bat an eye bcuz its Kanye conclusion, I still have my jerseys from middle school and they are still raw if i do say so myself but sometimes you just gotta let things go and move on.....
Angels & Politics

Angels & Politics

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Watch the Throne

Most people don't notice the history behind what is presented in front of them and this includes me because if it wasn't for my LB Adam Huntere I wouldn't have researched the significance of the latest Jay-Z and Kanye Watch the Throne album. The picture is the mirror image from the early 1960s picture of President John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy. Not to turn this into a history lesson but its interesting how after the assassination JFK on November 22 1963, his brother Robert didn't attempt to investigate at all about his murder. He actually went into a depression and completelty refused to discuss the death or the investigation to even his close friends and family members. His reply was that it basically doesn't matter to find out who killed his brother because it wouldnt bring him back...smh, I'm pretty much on the fence with this because I have no idea what its like to lose someone that close to me and I can't even fathom how I would react if I lost my own brother, but I feel that you owe it to yourself to know who murdered your love one for grieving purposes, especially if he is the President of the United States. If you know the truth, this allows you to make your decision if you would ever forgive the person or if you would want to see that justice is taken...I don't kno..... but unfortunately Robert Kennedy didn't live much longer after his brother when he was sporaticly gunned down on June 5, 1968......on another note, Jay-Z and Kanye or preparing to release their album by the end of the summer I'm expecting a classic. These guys aren't even recording in America. They're overseas in the England or Paris in penthouses recording each of the songs so Im sure the music is going to be on another level...Let's see what these two Jet Setters can create together because it sounds like it should be a masterpiece on paper..but so did the best of both worlds with Jay-Z and R Kelly...smh
1. Lift Off f. Bruno Mars & Beyoncé
2. Murder To Excellence
3. Illest Mother(f**ker) Alive
4. Why I Love You So (Guilt Trip)
5. That Shit Crazy
6. Living So Italian
7. Who Gonna Stop Me?
8. Whole Lifetime
9. We Are Young
10. Anthem
Angels & Politics
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Do's and Don'ts to Getting Chose

Now i am not an aficionado of courting females and I won't front to anybody in saying that I am, but as Jadakiss says off of his Kiss of Death Album, "I Can only speak for the things that I've been through." This isn't for herbs or this isnt for dudes and females that pull the most either, I'm just laying down some of my personal rules and opinions that I feel that the public should know. I feel that if people follow these simple instructions, life would be so much easier and I'm sure the opposite sex well be more receptive to your approach.
1. Presentation is everything- to all the males that are approaching a female or when a woman sees you for the first time, the very first thing that she looks at is how you carry yourself and how you present yourself. Confidence is very important but it should be at a point where you dont come off arrogant or cocky. Please be aware of what you have on when you step out of the house. RULE 1: if you are wearing a clean button down shirt or even a nice polo with fitted jeans DO NOT wear tennis shoes. This is a conflict of outfit, why would u be dressed clean and like a GQ model from the ankles up and from then wen u look down, u look like ur ready to hoop in Game 7 of the NBA Finals. I see this soooo much and it pisses me off. Wen you have on an outfit like this, wear sperrys or some sort of boat shoes or loafers. Just complete the look, thats all im saying.
2. The Violent Outbursts need to stop- for the herbs that go to the beach/mall/ any public place where females are present and when you sit there and allow an attractive women walk directly past you and you don't say a word but as soon as she's 20 yards away, you suddenly become overwhelmed and have the urge to yell something ignorant or stupid like " A Girl with Red Shirt, you got a fat A**!" like cmon dude, ur a clown and I have never seen a dude become succesful with this approach. If you have something to say to the female, just let her know that you find her attractive in a civilized manner. Dont be a square and yell from across the street that you see her in her brown boots because clearly, that's evident. Lames crack me up when it comes to talking to girls. They have so much to say when they're far away but when they come close, they suddenly turn into Helen Keller...smh
3. Nobody likes a shy person- this is for that dry ass dude that is at an event whether its a simple kickback at your homeboy's crib and you have females over...and he's sittin in the corner by himself looking sappy. I understand that everybody isn't outgoing or going to be the life of the party, but how do you expect to get chose if you're not allowing females to witness your personality bcuz ur too busy being dry and motionless in the corner by yourself. Some dudes approaches are very different so by all means, do what works for you but if girl approaches you or a group of females sit down near your area, as a Male with some testosterone( use your balls) and boss up. Introduce yourself, shake hands, get a drink, just be personable but most importantly be yourself. I guarantee it will be so much easier to get chose.
4. Stay True to You- this is the last but most important rule that I have to getting chose. Females can tell from a mile away wen ur feedin them jazz like you used to do pick and rolls with the Karl Malone and John Stockton. Dude, dont use pick up lines or something that you saw from TV or a movie because that is for Hollywood and it doesnt work in real life. Dont lie to girls saying that you play ball for your college when you kno u dont because all she has to do is look you up on Google. Dont tell girls that your a rapper because sorry to break it to you, no legitimate female thats in college and is going somewhere in her life does not what to take a "rapper" home to meet Mom and Dad. Dont lie to females or guys about how many girls you've bagged in your lifetime because somebody always knows somebody who knows the truth and you will be EXPOSED and u should never lie on your wood!!!
Finally, above all, leave the Hawking for Joe Johnson in Atlanta...this means the obssessive facebook chats, poking, massive texts that you send and she never replies, girl wants that. Imean a girl appreciates persistence but never a "Lurch" like my LB Thompson would say..if you get a female's number and you've hit her up on two different occasions and she hasn't hit you back, sometimes you jus have to chalk it up and bow out gracefully. I hope I've helped some lost soul out there, please tune into part 2 coming out sometime in July.
Angels & Politics
My interests...

" I just don't what it is....these Asians just got a hold on me for some reason"

"Classic Album, one of the best hip hop albums of all time"

"Human Made, a clothing line from Nigo of Bathing Ape. Something fresh and new, plus the designs are pretty dope"

"I never wear my heart on my sleeve, even when Comme Des Garcons on me" Fly.Union

"Best player in the NBA, hands down"

"I might be the only black 20 year old wine connoisseur, idk but I just like to be cultured and appreciate the finer things in life."

"Every fly guy needs a sports car in his arsenal, shouts out to the Chevy Stingray tho"
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