Angels & Politics is a clothing line that ive created in Febuary. It all happened kinda fast, and it came across as sort of an epiphany. The meaning of the line is basically angels represent the non materialistic things in life like faith, religion, spiritual kind of things. The politics is basically the opposite, which represent the cars, clothes, money etc..basically the materialistic things in life. So i guess its a depiction on wat u rather live life for, the angels or the politics.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
The Kanye Takeover
I have to honestly state that I have been extremely impressed with Kanye West these past few months. Aside from him staying out of the media with negative publicity and those "infamous" remarks he makes over religion and politics, he has just been out making GOOD music (no pun intended). The music that is being released by Kanye and his G.O.O.D. fridays has really been on another level from what other artists are putting out. Im trying to ride, but i have to say that Im impressed of him as more than artist because he has also produced most of the biggest hits by other artists. He has also cleaned up his image with something that he calls the "Rosewood Movement" which is "the institution of a group-wide participation within his music label G.O.O.D.. While aesthetically, the Rosewood Movement stresses a certain sartorial flair involving suits, the initiative goes beyond fashion and requires those involved to showcase exemplary behavior towards others and to be a model citizen within society" says This is good for the avid followers of music and high fashion because it is stressing that you can me "cool" or "that nigga" without having baggy jeans, excessive tats, and gold teeth. The movement pushes for more "clean language", basically no cursing in public and having polite manners, etc. It has reinstated that you can be young and still be mature and grown up, and actually look sophisticated with ur attire. To actually look like Ye and the rest of G.O.O.D. music you would have to purchase the same suit that they all wear which is a basic skinny black suit, by Dior Homme which runs you about 2200 a suit. I honestly dont have that kind of money but I still do support the rosewood movement and the music by Ye..keep up the good work my dude
Monday, August 23, 2010
Mediocrity Equals Failure A&P
The meaning of the word mediocre is, of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad; barely adequate, and rather poor or inferior.....This is taken directly from the dictionary. The reason why I wanted this statement to be the concept of this 2010 line of Angels & Politics shirts is because those three words speak volumes. It is way deeper than clothes or fashion, this statement touches every individual that was told that nothing is wrong with being average at a young age, which to me is the most ignorant and simple-minded thing that someone can say to another. This really affects me because I know for a fact that I am not average and no one else should think of themselves as "ordinary or moderate" either...I feel that once you accept your life and your lifestyle as "mediocre" then thats when you Fail. You are basically giving up on life because that means from now on, you dont want to better yourself, excel in life, create better opportunites for yourself and for those around you...I just feel that this shirt are for those that are confident and that are out in the world on the grind and are trying to achieve their goals and aspirtations in life...I hope you enjoyed the design with the Vatican sculpture on the back representing Angels and the Republican and Democrat platform symbols on the front, represting Politics. I apologize for the year delay on shirts, my freshman year of college was the most busiest and exciting time in my life and this summer I was blessed with a government job that had me working full time, so shirts kind of went on the back burner. But now they're back and anyone that wants a shirt, you know where to contact me.

Friday, August 20, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Total Package
I never was really into the "blues" honestly, because I always felt that it was too dark and gloomy for my taste. This changed when I heard the artist, Corrine Bailey Rae. When she first became popular here in the US, I wasn't amazed or in awe like many people were but I do remember her having a very distinct voice and style in her music. I feel that know as I have matured and I listen to her music, I feel a sense of tranquility and relaxation as she sings. I dont know how to explain it, but as she sings, I get a sudden euphoric rush, and I just feel better. Not only is she talented but she is a beautiful woman and very creative and intellectual. All things that I look for in a woman...As i look through her interviews on youtube, I can only smile because of her London accent and how she pronounces certain words.. The clothes she wears aren't dull and boring but at the same time shows that she has a relaxed sense of style. I love the fact that she is intellectual and proper as she speaks, and how "clean cut" her appearance is and also her music. I have no shame in my game saying that I am fascinated and infatuated with Corrine Bailey Rae.
Angels & Politics
Angels & Politics
Friday, July 2, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Appealing to the Eye
First of all, I must say that im displaying these females on the blog strictly because i find them incredibly attractive and i respect their careers and how they handle themselves as ladies. One attribute that you will find constant with all of these females are that they are all BROWN skinned and i had to emphasize on that word because i feel that alot of people look past our beautiful Black women. I can honestly say that alot of people are stuck in this "yellow girl" phase and i can attest to it because I used to have the same infatuation not too long ago. I just feel its my job to illustrate these women in a manner that people will see that these women are far from light skinned and they are most definitely "Appealing to the Eye"!
Angels & Politics

Angels & Politics

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
New Balance Craze

I know for those that live in the DMV area have been up on the 992's and 3s for a good minute but here in the 757 where i live havent. I cant even well, if people rock sum new balances around here, ppl are gonna go on you for days lol and i was pretty apprehensive wen i saw ppl wearing them but then i got sum kind of epiphany and i realized that the shoes were pretty dope. imean its also a gud look to rock them here since ppl aren't even on them hardcore like DC and maryland. The good thing i like about the shoes are that even though they were created to be running shoes, you can wear the shoes wit alot of outfits and different the 993s and 992s get a thumbs up in the Angels & Politics corner.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Freshman Conclusion

I honestly have to say that this year has gone by the fastest ever in which i can remember. Imean, my year at George Mason, i have learned sooooo much that i would take all day for my tell you all of what i have experienced. I strongly push all high schoolers to atleast my a strong attempt to go off to college. I also understand that college isnt for everyone, but on some real rap, the things that an individual goes through and experiences in college, people that dont go will never understand or encounter in their everday lives. It is a true statement when they say that knowledge is power, and once you go off to school, you just feel enhanced or upgraded after you get back....I must admitt, its a great feeling to say that you've done things that people dream about doing. All in all, school wasnt a cakewalk either..I graduated high school with like a 3.7 and after my first semester of college, i had a 2.2. It was a tremondous wake-up call cuz it showed me that in the real world, in order to be successful you have to put in extensive amounts of work. So thats exactly wat i did and i got a 3.1 for my second semster, thanks to God and his glory. I feel like this year has taught me so much about the world and about myself....Know im back home, and im kinda feeling like im still on a natural high, it hasnt registered to me that school is actually over. In conclusion, freshman year was wild if i had to sum the whole year up in one word. A&P
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Pharrell and Louis Vuitton
I know this is old but i just had to post this video because one thing that intruiges me is that how prestigous Louis Vuitton is as a designer, picks a producer/rapper to help him design his own type jewlery line. That is mind boggling to me. Another thing I notice is how articulate Pharrell is. To be a rapper is one thing, but when you can be amongst the rich and famous, and the wealthiest people in the world, and you can address the public in such a way, this just goes to show that you can be cool and watnot and still be intelligent. Props to Pharrell, he's making a important impact on people all over.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Summer Vibe.....Angels and Politics
I cant wait for the summer to hit because just like all of you, im sure you are tired of the cold weather like I am. Imean its the end of April, and about to May next week and its still freaking cold outside at night. Im really trippin out about that, so wats my cure??? of course, its im going to put out music as it comes to my head that reminds me of summertime...and of course its going to be my kinda music which is always dope as shi*, so enjoy the Summer Vibe series as the Reeeeel Music series has come to an end....for now. And im sure its quite noticable that each song has Pharrell in it because im just a huge fan of his music and he's a phenomenal artist and he comes up with songs that are just simply "classic". Enjoy
Monday, April 19, 2010
James Madison's Springfest
All I can say is, everyone in college needs to experience partying to this magnitude. If you go to a college like Mason, which doesn't have parties that often on campus, atleast once out of the 4 or 5 years in college, you need to go to James Madison for Springfest. Springfest is a weekend long event that goes on at James Madison once year and it usually happens shortly after the start of spring when the weather starts to warm up. Just picture thousands upon thousands of partiers from JMU, Mason, West Virginia, Virginia Tech, Old Dominion, etc all in the city of Harrisonburg for this event. It is basically tons of alcohol and drunk college students flooding the streets from Friday afternoon till Sunday, nonstop! This year was the biggest that Madison ever had, it made CNN news. There were riots against the police, the SWAT team shut down a whole apartment complex and blocked off roads by throwing tear gas at thousands of people, there were Helicopters hovering over the party....imean it was the craziest thing i have ever seen. All I can say, JMU knows how to party!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Obama at Mason
For those that didnt know, Obama made an appearance at George Mason discussing the new Health Reform bill that recently passed. I want to say that I felt like I was witnessing history seeing the President that close. I was used to seeing him on posters, tv, magazines, etc. But to be in the same stadium as him, and hearing him speak was remarkable. I had never been in a place with that many people at one time. I waited in line to see him at 6am in the morning and the doors didnt open until after 9. It was an all around great day, Im glad i could be apart of the whole thing....Angels and Politics

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Commonwealth spring line
Erykah....handlin' business lol
So im on facebook, and my nigga Joe says dat Erykah Badu is thicker den Nikki Minaj and dat caught my eye cuz if you dont no it yet, Nikki Minaj's butt is fake as "u no wat" lol but I figured she put out some new music so i went to check it out and i stumbled across her new video "Window Seat". I like the song, but she gets national attention bcuz in the video, she strips down naked in the public eye...but im feelin the song and i for what its worth, I support my nigga Joes statement!!! Angels & Politics
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Mike Posner (Reeeeel Music)
Man i just stumbled across this dude because he makes music with Big Sean, i dont know if he's signed to Good Music or not, but he does make "Good Music", i decided to add him to the list of musicians on this Reeeeeel Music series because for one, he isnt mainstream yet but he has talent and I feel like the only way to jumpstart these young musician careers is to put their music out to the world and let ppl hear good stuff besides that garbage that is on the radio. Shout out to my nigga marcus and Rob for puttin me on to dis dude on the way to Wizards Game....A&P
Big Sean (Reeeeeel Music)
Big Sean is really doing his thing rite now, he's signed to Good Music which is Kanye West's record label. He hails from Detroit, and he brings his own flavor and style to his music. He's pretty young, and dats y i mess wit him because I think when he got signed, he was still in High School. He has the best of big Sean mixtape out and he has mad freestyles out, but im waiting for his debut album to drop. Look out for Big Sean!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Peter Hadar and Colin Munroe (Reeeeel Music)
This is lil bit of a change of pace, all the prior music is pretty much rap, but these two artists are R&B dudes and they make great music. Of course, the reason that they are getting recognition on the blog is because I embrace uniqueness and being different. These guys have their own style and I'm really feeling their music. Enjoy......A&P
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Pacific Division & Blu (Reeeeel Music)
As of rite now, as u can see, im really into all types of rap/hip hop. Ive taken you from, New Orleans to Virginia, to DC, New York, here are some tru spitters from the West Coast. I started messin wit Pac Div like last summer when i first saw the Mayor video. I then started looking them up and i came to the realization that them dudes can spit, like seriously! I heard about Blu just by listening to the XXL freshmen freestyles from last year. He has a sick flow and his style is unique also, be on the lookout for when they drop, cuz Im sure they're gonna take the music scene by storm. Angels & Politics
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Stalley (Reeel Music)
Stalley is an artist that I discovered after I watched the address video by Curren$y on I cant well, at first, i really didnt give him a chance by his beard lol, i thought he was gonna be some knock off Freeway or Rick Ross, but thats not even the case at all. He has a nice flow, and his material is innovative and fresh. Stalley is on the come up, this is where u hearing it first...A&P
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Curren$y the Hot Spitta
Curren$y has risen in the ranks as far as my favorite rappers over these past couple of months. My all time is Jay-Z and he will always be, but as for this current time period, my favorite is Wale and i think Curren$y might be number 2...i know what a lot of people are thinking, but you have no idea of how much music this guy puts out. He has like 8 mixtapes and 2 electronic albums released on the internet and the long awaited "Pilot Talk" drops on the 23rd of this month. I mean, his flow is impeccable, and its so different that makes him stand out from the mainstream rappers. To sum it up, Curren$y is that dude, point blank. He's teamed up with Dame Dash in BlakRoc, and Pilot Talk will definitely go hard when it drops. Your hearing it now from me, Curren$y is going to be the next big thing!!
Tyga (Reeeel Music)
I know im kinda late on the Tyga train, but he had to warm up on me...but i do have to say, this dude is talented to be my age. I think wat makes him so unique is the energy he puts out in his rhymes, like he literally spazzes on every track that he does. His mixtapes Black Thoughts and The Potential are phenomenal...A&P
Monday, March 15, 2010
Music Fanatic!!

For those who know me, they know music is basically my im gonna have a segment where imma put the world on too REAL tired of this music that has to have a dance to go along with it...Wat happened to the real rappers that actually emphasized lyrics on their albums like, Nas-Illmatic, Jay Z-Reasonable Doubt, Lauryn Hill- The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, Biggie, etc...So know all i do is listen to who actually can "SPIT!!" No more of this Soulja Boys and Gucci Manes, and Wacka Flockas!! NO offense to those rappers cuz i personally enjoy some of their songs and but I would never categorize any of them as rappers. I feel like its my job to show the masses to wat real music is out..the music that isnt on the radio....
Angels & Politics
Spring Break 2010

As far my spring break, it was ultimately, a relaxing and chill week. I got home on Friday, March 5th and I went to this club called Shokas at the strip on Va was aight, but I wasnt impressed by any means lol...saw waaay too many lames in the club. if ur 25 and up and ur partying wit ppl that are 18, my dude, ur at the wrong club! im jus saying...but besides that, everything was the same...Chilled wit the crew, Ant E, James, Louis, Pete, Smooth, Marquis and my homegirls...I had a fun night with my homegirls and James, we went to the strip and then hit up the Ihop like at 2 am, and we saw a group of girls drunk as heck...and unfortunatley we all witnessed a girl that stumbled out of the restaurant and couldnt make it to her car and she fell in a huge puddle of water! it was terrible lol, i guess this goes to show, its not cool to be in a public place while intoxicated. But other then than that, my break ended in a positive light thanks to ciroq and grey goose and Jaeron and Jilian's hotel was a good look :)
Angels & Politics
GMU Pagaent

I know alot of people dont see me as the pagaent kinda dude, and truthfully im not, but I was asked (repetitively) to participate in this event and i finally broke down and agreed. I kinda had mixed feelings to start off but once the practice run started, I kinda could see what a beneficial event this was to the black community on campus. Mason is a predominantly white university so this black pagaent pretty much showcased the good things and postive steps that African Americans are making. So I became pretty flattered that i was asked to be apart. In a nut shell, I was asked a question saying what song describes my life best. I picked "Feeling It" by Jay-Z, and for my talent i did poem that I wrote myself about a young relationship entitled " She's Not There". I wanna give a shout out to my escort Ariel, she's a friend of mine and she accepted my invitation at the last minute, so she was pretty much a lifesaver...Ultimately i didnt win, but one of my good colleagues won, and I was pleased with my performance, so it was a win win situation...oh and you know i had to rock the Angels and Politics on Stage!
A&P takeover

My Leave of absensce....

Ummmm i have no idea what to say...i cant even explain why i havent kept up with my blog. Well i guess one reason is college, and I can vouch for anyone that says that college isnt easy the same time, its fun and exciting, the lifestyle is sorta addicting in a sense. Well alot has went on since November to March lol, so i wont even try to bring up all of my events that i took part in since then...but i guess in a nut shell, ive been through final exams which was one of the most grueling and arduous tasks that i have ever encountered in my lifetime. I literally, was studying for hours upon hours at a time, ive never experienced anything like that ever...Umm over winterbreak was pretty much the same old same old..I went to South Carolina and spent time with my family and wen i was back home i was doing what i always, sleep, party, drink, rap, and hoop lol...thats usually how everything goes lmao... Ever since this second semester started, i have waayyyyy more focused than the first and my classes are easier. So im really doing well at this particular time in school and hopefully I can keep it up... well thats it for this post, i have sooooo much more to say lol....Angels and Politics

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