Monday, August 23, 2010

Mediocrity Equals Failure A&P

The meaning of the word mediocre is, of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad; barely adequate, and rather poor or inferior.....This is taken directly from the dictionary. The reason why I wanted this statement to be the concept of this 2010 line of Angels & Politics shirts is because those three words speak volumes. It is way deeper than clothes or fashion, this statement touches every individual that was told that nothing is wrong with being average at a young age, which to me is the most ignorant and simple-minded thing that someone can say to another. This really affects me because I know for a fact that I am not average and no one else should think of themselves as "ordinary or moderate" either...I feel that once you accept your life and your lifestyle as "mediocre" then thats when you Fail. You are basically giving up on life because that means from now on, you dont want to better yourself, excel in life, create better opportunites for yourself and for those around you...I just feel that this shirt are for those that are confident and that are out in the world on the grind and are trying to achieve their goals and aspirtations in life...I hope you enjoyed the design with the Vatican sculpture on the back representing Angels and the Republican and Democrat platform symbols on the front, represting Politics. I apologize for the year delay on shirts, my freshman year of college was the most busiest and exciting time in my life and this summer I was blessed with a government job that had me working full time, so shirts kind of went on the back burner. But now they're back and anyone that wants a shirt, you know where to contact me.





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