So for those who didnt know, this summer I was employed at a warehouse that distributed Budweiser Products along with others like Monster Energy Drinks, Fiji Water, and hundreds of different brands of beers....and for anyone that has had any contact with me during this summer I am sure that I voiced to you how much I disliked my job. Imean I dont even want to get into the mental and physical toll that job took on me day in and day out. There is no way in hell I would ever do that job or that kind of work ever again and this begins my post...I want to start off and say that I applaud my co-workers and anyone in the world who does physically demanding labor for their job full-time, I personally believe that for the amount of work that you put forth in your job, they should be making 6 figures but that would be in an ideal society and that's just not how things go. At the warehouse I worked, there was no one there with a college degree and the job held many positions. I was the guy that physically picked the various cases of beer from the warehouse and put them on carts, some ppl drove forklifts to lift beer, some ppl drove trucks to drop the beer off at the designated stores, etc and don't get me wrong I know that truck drivers make good money but alot of ppl don't see all of the work they have to apply day in and day out. Those guys have to push those carts up ramps and through stores in the peak of summer when its over 100 degrees and throught the pinnacle of winter when its snow covering the parking lot..this is by all means not an easy task...I write this post just because I feel like God put me in this job and exposed me to this type of work because it was like an "eye-opener" for me to realize this is what I would have to resort to if I weren't in college or if I didnt take my school work seriously and this was the only type of work that I would be qualified for...I just feel so blessed that I could do that type of work as a summer job while my other co-workers did that as a career and I honestly feel for those guys bcuz I couldnt do that work for a long period of time...thats how dudes end up with bad backs by the age of 30 bcuz of all that bending and lifting you have to do on a regular basis for 8 to 11 hours a day, nonstop...The purpose of me writing this is to let people know that you should never take education or school for granted bcuz there are ppl out there that would give ANYTHING to go to college but they can't due to their circumstances and bcuz of that, they could be doing blue collar work all of their life..so they next time you see that construction worker on top of a house in your neighborhood or those guys doing construction on the highways, just know that those men are working extremely hard for the money they make and you should be blessed that you are in a situation where that doesnt have to be you in those steel toe boots sweating underneath the blazing sun.

Angels & Politics
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