So we all know how much of a Jay-Z and Kanye fan I am so you can already assume that I damn near know most of the words to the whole Watch the Throne album but one thing that I must say about the album and those two artists is that they exposing thier listeners (this is directed mainly to the black community) to a whole new world of objects and a lifestyle that most don't know anything about...I can remember Jay Z saying on the Illest Motherfuc**r alive track, "Basquiats, Warhols, serving as my muses/ my house is like a musuem so I see em when im peein/ usually when you have this much taste your European/ but thats the end of that way of thinking, nigga never again" and those lines resignated with me bcuz of how deep/dope that joint was...So I did my research on those names bcuz I had no clue wat he was talking about at first. According to wikipedia Andy Warhol was an American painter, printmaker, and filmmaker who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. After a successful career as a commercial illustrator, Warhol became famous worldwide for his work as a painter, avant-garde filmmaker, record producer, author, and member of highly diverse social circles that included Bohemian street people, distinguished intellectuals, Hollywood celebrities and wealthy patrons. Jean-Michel Basquiat was a grafitti artist in New York City and produced the neo-expressionist painting and movement. He was popular in the late 70s and early 80s before dying due to a heroin overdose...with all of that being said, I think its vital for people and blacks more importantly to be cultured and well-rounded and versatile in many aspects of for me, I know a shit load about hip hop and sports and clothes but then again, wat black guy nowadays doesn't? I feel like its common to know about these topics because its everywhere we turn on TV, radio, and internet but its rare to find a 20 year old that knows about art, architecture and sculptures, philosophers, influential books (48 Laws of Power), plays, musicals, etc....I just applaud Jay and Kanye for showing blacks that not all rich blacks go out and buy cadillac escalades and splurge their money on excessive amounts of baggy clothes and old school cars n shit...They're allowing ppl to see that their are blacks that are actual art collectors, travel overseas and purchase clothing from the finest designers in paris, drive in italian cars without "tinted windows" or "rims" and can create an album that appeals to the masses with sleak and clever lyrics and jargon but at the same time can go out and carry a conversation with the Presidents of the United States and other countries with the use of proper grammar and an extensive vocabular....kudos
Jean-Michel Basquiat

Angels & Politics
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