Angels & Politics is a clothing line that ive created in Febuary. It all happened kinda fast, and it came across as sort of an epiphany. The meaning of the line is basically angels represent the non materialistic things in life like faith, religion, spiritual kind of things. The politics is basically the opposite, which represent the cars, clothes, money etc..basically the materialistic things in life. So i guess its a depiction on wat u rather live life for, the angels or the politics.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Artistic Influence
So we all know how much of a Jay-Z and Kanye fan I am so you can already assume that I damn near know most of the words to the whole Watch the Throne album but one thing that I must say about the album and those two artists is that they exposing thier listeners (this is directed mainly to the black community) to a whole new world of objects and a lifestyle that most don't know anything about...I can remember Jay Z saying on the Illest Motherfuc**r alive track, "Basquiats, Warhols, serving as my muses/ my house is like a musuem so I see em when im peein/ usually when you have this much taste your European/ but thats the end of that way of thinking, nigga never again" and those lines resignated with me bcuz of how deep/dope that joint was...So I did my research on those names bcuz I had no clue wat he was talking about at first. According to wikipedia Andy Warhol was an American painter, printmaker, and filmmaker who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. After a successful career as a commercial illustrator, Warhol became famous worldwide for his work as a painter, avant-garde filmmaker, record producer, author, and member of highly diverse social circles that included Bohemian street people, distinguished intellectuals, Hollywood celebrities and wealthy patrons. Jean-Michel Basquiat was a grafitti artist in New York City and produced the neo-expressionist painting and movement. He was popular in the late 70s and early 80s before dying due to a heroin overdose...with all of that being said, I think its vital for people and blacks more importantly to be cultured and well-rounded and versatile in many aspects of for me, I know a shit load about hip hop and sports and clothes but then again, wat black guy nowadays doesn't? I feel like its common to know about these topics because its everywhere we turn on TV, radio, and internet but its rare to find a 20 year old that knows about art, architecture and sculptures, philosophers, influential books (48 Laws of Power), plays, musicals, etc....I just applaud Jay and Kanye for showing blacks that not all rich blacks go out and buy cadillac escalades and splurge their money on excessive amounts of baggy clothes and old school cars n shit...They're allowing ppl to see that their are blacks that are actual art collectors, travel overseas and purchase clothing from the finest designers in paris, drive in italian cars without "tinted windows" or "rims" and can create an album that appeals to the masses with sleak and clever lyrics and jargon but at the same time can go out and carry a conversation with the Presidents of the United States and other countries with the use of proper grammar and an extensive vocabular....kudos
Jean-Michel Basquiat

Angels & Politics
Back to school lineup

This is the highly anticipated mixtape from the Weeknd and it does not disappoint by any means...from beginning to end each cut on the cd goes in and its a great cd to play at a party, social gathering or even if its just for alil alone time with that special someone....I give it 5 out of 5 stars..I highly recommend this joint and if ur not familiar with weeknd by now then u need to!! ASAP

Wale is back!! This wale from Mixtape about Nothing, Paint A Picture, Hundred Miles and Running....this new mixtape reminds me of that kind of wale, not the one that we heard from the attention deficit album..I've always been a huge wale fan but i wasnt truly impressed with some of his recent work but this mixtape has given me a change of heart...cop this shit
Sunday, August 14, 2011
We must not forget

We must not forget about The Dynamic Duo of Gary Payton and Shawn Kemp back in the 90s...imean these dudes were damn near an unstoppable force and they had a squad! Hersey Hawkins, Sam Perkins, Detlef Shremph, imean these were top tier basketball players on one team..My man GP had the toughest perimeter defense in the game and is probably THE best point guard defender to play the game. On top of that he could score the ball and dish the rock, no wonder why he's a Hall of Famer...My dude Shawn Kemp was the Dominique Wilkins/Amare Stoudemire/Blake Griffin of the 90s lol..imean this dude could flat out jump out the gym and dunk the ball like none other..check out the tapes on youtube if you dont believe...he would have gone down as one of the greatest big men if he woulda done more work on his jump shot and of course stayed away from crack-cocaine....cmon Shawn...
Angels & Politics
Family Matters

1st off, this was a great show and what happened to the black sitcoms anymore?? In the 80s and 90s there were black sitcoms everywhere on TV and they were actually "good quality" shows with fantastic actors and storylines that talked about what blacks went through on a daily basis regardless of the age group and demographic..Imean we had the Cosby Show, Different World, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Parenthood, Family Matters, imean I could go on forever but nowadays there aren't any black shows that display a sense of togetherness or "Family"...(other than the House of Payne)...I made this post because I have come back from another family reunion and I can't stress how important family is..sometimes I can get so wrapped up in my personal life and my endeavors and I forget who my support system is and who the ppl who are praying for me on a consistent basis are...Its good to be around the babies and toddlers as well as the elderly because you can learn so much from both types..The title of the sitcom really never made an impression on me until just now because everyone can say the title "Family Matters" but in all actuality, Family really does MATTER...imean its wild that it takes for someone to go through a loss or to wait till your older years to understand the importance of family...Each family has its problems but in the end of the day, they always have your back..
Angels & Politics
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Finer Things in Life...

When your bread is up, u just don't buy houses, you get villas......real rap

Lamborghini level...

Rolls Royce..speaks for itself

I would just like to expose people to real wine like Pinot Noir(above) and Riesling(below) and many others because for all of my brothers/sisters in the world, MUSCATO isnt the only wine on the planet...smh damn...experience some new shit

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Saldana Vs. Kravitz
Getting my suit game up
My dude Ryan Gosling is on his S-H-I-T wen it comes to the tailor made/next level fly shit on suits..imean this dude steez is on 100 everytime i check the blogs and internet sites and Im not about to ride this dudes dick but im just givin credit where credit is due...He is a sharp dressing and I do admire his style of clothes as I do the Pharrell's, Kanye's, and so on so forth...Imma be turning the big 2 1 this year and that means I'll officially be an adult so as an adult I would need adult type I need to get up on blazer/suit game..1, for going to work in the corporate field and 2, for the adult gatherings that ppl have like balls, galas, dinner parties, plays, operas etc...u kno I'm cultured and I like experiencing different things..but all in all, this dude has gucci designer suits and all that so im sure its gonna be a while b4 i get to that level but everybody starts somewhere.

Madden 12

Definitely a classic... I was bumpin this joint playing 2k earlier and I was like Wat?! this shit goes!! yea this is something that you can play all the way thru because Justin is layin down the vocals proper and the Neptunes produced most of the album so the production and beats are crazy, plus it has the slow jams that you can play 4 ur late night tip. Songs like rock your body, senorita, like i love you, nothing else, still on my brain, wayyyyyy to raw....dope shit Justin
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
South Beach

So I was on my Lebron tip this past weekend, kickn it in South Beach wit the fam and I must say that I liked what I saw...imean i dont kno where to start....first off, we were staying at this hotel directly on the beach and the room was on the 10th floor with a balcony so when I stepped out I felt like Tony Montana in his prime (minus the cocaine and guns)...The weather was hot but it wasnt humid like it is here tho bcuz of how close we were to the water so that was refreshing...imean the women there are definitely next it got to the point where I was seeing so many spades that I was getting tight..i was thinking to myself like "Girl, why do u look that good?" and there so many races and ethnicities out there so great portion of them weren't speaking English so that was just a different feeling for me because Im not really used to that here in the far as the night life and the actually strip on South Beach, walking up and down it would make u feel like ur moving in slow motion in some Hype Williams video bcuz its so surreal..imean its Illuminated hotels, restaraunts, clubs, etc on every corner..massess of people from all over the world...exotic cars driving down the street like Lambos, Aston Martins, Porsches etc..all of this is happening at night..Me and my cousins were on the strip till 5am and you woulda thought it was the city that never sleeps bcuz of how crowded it was..Miami really inspired me even more to be wealthy and successful because these bad ass women were definitely not with no broke niggaz(i aint saying she a gold digger tho)..but People were walking around the Mall with Louis Vuitton and Prada like that shit was American Eagle and Tommy Hilfiger n that bitch..imean shit was so normal to them like money was just an object smh..I wanna get to that level of course the legitimate way because we all kno alot of illegal substances are passed through Miami so I would def. never get in the midst of that..but all in all imma go back as soon as possible to live it up because I could only do so much with all of my family wit me...Miami 2012 here I come

Angels & Politics
The U

I was listening to this cd coming back from South Beach and I couldn't believe that i forgot how nice this album, it doesnt make any sense how Push and Malice were spazzin on these tracks...Nightmares to me is my favorite tracks because I can actually feel the pain and the emotion that is being conveyed in the track...if u havent listened to this all the way thru, I highly suggest it
Angels & Politics
The Hamptons

Ive always had an infatuation with the finer things...idk, i've always wanted the "best" in life and i've always fantasized about becoming a wealthy business owner and having money like the ppl on TV..I guess one of those indicators if someone has "made it" is if they take trips to the Hamptons so that is one of my goals in the future..I would love to own some property in the Hamptons and be able to tell my friends and family that "I'm going to my estate in the Hamptons for few weeks for vacation" lol...i dont kno, I jus think the whole scene and vibe is dope as hell..i could see me on a boat sippin on fine wine or champagne and my spade sippin on a martini or sumthin and jus relaxing on a yacht wearing an all white linen suit looking like Im George Clooney or Tom Cruise in this bitch...imma get there one day, mark my words.
Angels & Politics

Blue Collar Work

So for those who didnt know, this summer I was employed at a warehouse that distributed Budweiser Products along with others like Monster Energy Drinks, Fiji Water, and hundreds of different brands of beers....and for anyone that has had any contact with me during this summer I am sure that I voiced to you how much I disliked my job. Imean I dont even want to get into the mental and physical toll that job took on me day in and day out. There is no way in hell I would ever do that job or that kind of work ever again and this begins my post...I want to start off and say that I applaud my co-workers and anyone in the world who does physically demanding labor for their job full-time, I personally believe that for the amount of work that you put forth in your job, they should be making 6 figures but that would be in an ideal society and that's just not how things go. At the warehouse I worked, there was no one there with a college degree and the job held many positions. I was the guy that physically picked the various cases of beer from the warehouse and put them on carts, some ppl drove forklifts to lift beer, some ppl drove trucks to drop the beer off at the designated stores, etc and don't get me wrong I know that truck drivers make good money but alot of ppl don't see all of the work they have to apply day in and day out. Those guys have to push those carts up ramps and through stores in the peak of summer when its over 100 degrees and throught the pinnacle of winter when its snow covering the parking lot..this is by all means not an easy task...I write this post just because I feel like God put me in this job and exposed me to this type of work because it was like an "eye-opener" for me to realize this is what I would have to resort to if I weren't in college or if I didnt take my school work seriously and this was the only type of work that I would be qualified for...I just feel so blessed that I could do that type of work as a summer job while my other co-workers did that as a career and I honestly feel for those guys bcuz I couldnt do that work for a long period of time...thats how dudes end up with bad backs by the age of 30 bcuz of all that bending and lifting you have to do on a regular basis for 8 to 11 hours a day, nonstop...The purpose of me writing this is to let people know that you should never take education or school for granted bcuz there are ppl out there that would give ANYTHING to go to college but they can't due to their circumstances and bcuz of that, they could be doing blue collar work all of their they next time you see that construction worker on top of a house in your neighborhood or those guys doing construction on the highways, just know that those men are working extremely hard for the money they make and you should be blessed that you are in a situation where that doesnt have to be you in those steel toe boots sweating underneath the blazing sun.

Angels & Politics
Monday, August 1, 2011
The Weeknd

yea so ive been cisin this dude up for a while now and if u havent heard the House of Balloons yet then ur late as shit, imean its a R&B mixtape with only 9 cuts but its one of the best mixtapes of the year. The weeknd is gonna be droppin his new mixtape "Thursday" soon so make sure your on the lookout bcuz if u haven't heard him yet, he's gonna be the next big thing coming from Canada since Drizzy (and they have collaborated on a few songs so expect to be hearing more from him on Drakes future works)
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