I've been doing some self evaluating lately and as I sit back on this chair in my screened in back patio and sipping this corona, I think I have finally found the answer to most guys problems wen it comes to finding "wifey"...this isnt rocket science by all means but just hear me out...I can only speak for myself so i can personally say that i have realized that wen me and my dudes are sitting back and discussing the criteria that the future "Mrs" must uphold, I have to admitt, our requests and our criteria are impossible or better yet, unattainable!! Its like, as guys, we're sitting around saying we don't wanna talk to this girl bcuz she's done this or we don't wanna talk to that girl bcuz she doesn't do this and honestly this cycle will never end...im far from perfect and anyone that knows me will concurr with extreme detail! but u cant blame us for wanting the best...Every guy wants the cream of the crop, everybody wants a dream girl that has a body like the females on the videos, looks like the famous actresses, super intelligent, extremely funny, has money, proper but alil hood, skinny but alil thick, a freak but still a conservative woman, rich but not obsessed with money, can dress but not a shopping maniac...imean the list goes on and on and it never stops. There will never be a female that fits this pre-conceived "mold" that u have at all times, each and every day...I believe there is a girl out there for every guy and vice versa but just because you are meant to be together and are compatible doesn't mean he or she is gonna be perfect!! There is nothing wrong with standards and I feel that everyone should have very high ones wen it comes time to dating but i guess the purpose of this post is to say lets not go overboard...just because that girl that u really like and embodies everything u look for in a girl but has done some things in his past that u dont approve doesn't mean u should completely pass over her all together... In conclusion, life comes at u fast and for those who are holding out for Mr and Mrs Perfect to come along are gonna be the ones with a nice ass crib wen they're 40 years old with nobody in it except a few cats and pictures of ur siblings kids and your best friends kids all around the house bcuz u didnt wanna take a chance...Theres nothing wrong with searching for a 10 but jus realize even Halle Berry, according to magazines one of the prettiest women in the world, can't keep a man...im jus sayin

Angels & Politics
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