Tricking off (according to the Gabe Hamilton dictionary): is when the female finds a gullible and most of the time sensative, usually a virgin, and unintelligent male without common sense, and most of all DESPERATE, and the she receives money, clothes, food, gifts, car rides, anything under the sun from the guy without giving him anything in return.
The reason I am writing this post is to help the herbs out who can't indicate the signs of himself being a symp and noticing if or when he is getting tricked off on..First of all, there alot of nice, sweet, and kind hearted women out there who have good intentions..but there are also women who thrive on the weak and the gullible and when they see a guy that they can pounce on bcuz they kno he would be easy to manipultate, its a wrap from that point on! 1st, if a female doesnt really like to talk to you or communicate much with you on a daily basis, but she wants to go out dinner or a movie and expects 4 u to pay...this is a warning signal...2nd if a female hasnt made an attempt to get to kno you on a more personal note and she hasn't gone out of her way to come see you, or u rarely have any communication with her but wenever she does hit u up, she needs a "favor"....tricking off....3rd, if u and the female date or talk or watever ur case may be...and u and her don't get intimate until you buy her that dress from the mall, or that new bracelet, or watever it is...9 times outta 10, she jus gave sum just to keep u around to buy more shit but at the end of the day, she tricked off!! I feel bad for the guys who thinks their girlfriends love them or care for them and as soon as you present them with facts about the girl, they start sympin and formulate excuses for her actions that are clearly unexcusable...MEN, don't drop bread on a female if she won't do it for u..thats all im saying because women are cheaper than men sometimes and they might be willing to mess wit random dudes but wen it comes to spending money on them they are extremely selective so u should be too...
Angels & Politics

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