Sunday, July 31, 2011

Less is more

Mr. Ralph Lauren himself

So Boom, me and some of my dudes were at the Prime Outlets in Williamsburg and needless to say, we went in that joint wit the Game Face...imean they have all of the stores and brands from Burberry, Hugo Boss, Lacoste, to Brooks Brothers, J Crew, and Ralph Lauren, imean they have everything at the me and my dudes are coppin alil here and there but there is one thing that was on the back of my head wen we were all leaving..we all had bags from various stores but none of us had bought anything Polo and this begins my concern...Ralph Lauren is one of the most well known designers in the world and I believe the "most" popular in the USA...imean i dont know anyone who can honestly say they don't know who Ralph Lauren is and nor do i kno anyone who hasn't at one point in time in their life owned any article of clothing by Ralph Lauren...Even though he is extremely popular and well known, his clothing are of such high caliber that 4 decades i havent heard anyone even utter a word like Polo is played out or that shit was lame...but in the year of 2011, I can say that I hear conversations very close to this many times and this is my reasoning...First of all, Ralph Lauren will always be the more popular brand out of anything that u see in the malls and stores like Izod, Nautica, Tommy Hilfiger, Lacoste, etc. just because of the fact that its been around for a long time and he puts out fine products "hands down"! BUT......due to the SEVERE imitations of polo like "USPA" and "Beverly Hills Polo Club" for instance, this puts a damper on the legitimacy of Polo because u have ppl out here claimin that they're "Polo'd down" and they rockin sum off brand shit that Ralph Lauren has no part of...then on the other hand you have people that are wearing Ralph Lauren and Polo in ways that he didnt intend for it to be worn. To me its like when people get classy foriegn cars like Mercedez and Jaguars and they deprecciate the value of the car by adding unneccessary shit like 26 inch rims and putting TVs in the head rest and all that kind of cmon dude, we're not rappers and we're not making music videos, there is no need for that and there is no need 4 people to wearing top quality clothing the inproper way by buying the polo's with the horse logo that takes up half the shirt and wearing the polo hat, shoes, socks, pants, scarf to match...smh..ppl aren't realizing that you are degrating the clothes by doing stuff like that and its even worst wen you see lames with the OVERSIZED Ralph Lauren and they think they're flexin or cmon son...I dont even think wen Ralph was creating his clothes he was expecting for too many ppl to be buying XXL unless your over 6ft or you have some weight to u...but its dudes that are frail as hell rockin Xl and XXl and the shirts look like dresses on em and it pains me to see that shit...with all of this being said, Polo has become sooooo mainstream and popular that its not just for the ppl who are going for the clean cut, sophisticated look has now gone universal to the thugs who still wanna be thugs but they just so happen wanna do it in Ralph Lauren apperal leaving guys like me who don't wanna be put anywhere near the same boat as them to go out and wear clothing that is less popular to the "public" and slightly more expensive so you can be distinguishable from the herbs that claim that they're tough shit cuz they have polo...Imma end this post by saying nothing is wrong polo and I'mma keep rockin my Ralph Lauren oxfords because they're dope and Polo is a top tier brand no matter how dudes excessively wear it in abundance but I have laid off of the Ralph for a while and gone to more of a high quality "hidden label" look bcuz sometimes less is more...just by wearing the shirt with that small horse or alligator is fine, you dont need your whole backside imprinted with logos and the hat to match along with the shoes...less is more

Angels & Politics

August 8th

The duo is coming to the verizon center in DC on September 28th, and i will be in attendance


It must be just me, but Rya Backer is the girl from MTV's first dates and I honestly find her desirable for sum reason that i can't put my finger on..imean she's just an all around cool female that would be able to hang around the guys and her style is raw, imean i think with the combination of that and the fact that she's really into music is a big turn on 4 me...Rya Rya Rya, smh.....

Jana Kramer...The girl from One Tree Hill...dont even watch the show.....but after seeing her i might jus have 2

Bridget Kelly...New R&B artist on Roc Nation...that is irrelevant to why she is on the blog...i just think she's tough

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Black & Gold

Not to insinuate anything about my fraternity with the obvious title, this post regards Blacks as a whole culture and our love and attraction for gold..."I went to Jacob hour after my advance, I just wanted to shine" Kanye West in Touch the Sky..."and I could blame my environment/but there's no reason why I be buying expensive chains" Jay-Z in Public Service Announcement...rappers aren't the only people with the mentality. Blacks, no matter the social class and various environment look to Gold as one of the primary indicators of "wealth" or "success"...I did some research and it is stated that this isn't just something that black people started doing recently or this isnt just about ppl that have lived in impoverished areas and they have a lack of education on what to properly do with their money instead of purchasing gold, no...this dates back to our ancestors back in Africa...According to, back in those ancient times, “The sharper the dress, the flashier the gold the more you are taking care of yourself and putting yourself ideally in proximity to important people and even to the divine,"...Imean all of this is documented that the continent of Africa is the mecca for Gold and Diamonds hints the reason why it is called the Gold Coast. Gold Mining was extremely important in West Africa between the two large empires at the time, Ghani and Mali, and to distinguish the leaders of these tribes or the wealthy, the amount of Gold that was worn was your way of knowing..this goes to this day in age when jay-z and was being interviewed and he said that he was "wealthy" way before he officially started rapping due to his success in drug dealing. When he first started making real money, the first thing he purhcased were the big rope chains, and the 4 finger rings, bracelets, etc b/c that was how u knew who the top hustlers were in the area..the nigga wit the biggest chain or the most jewelry was the nigga with most money, simply put..Gold has always been a representation of class, its basically a nonverbal way of showing the world that you've made it! Needless to say, there are booths and boutiques in every mall and on every corner that claim to sell "gold" and we all know that this isnt the case so for all the dudes that have the big chains that hang to your belt, if u didnt pay over a g(thousand dollars), then.....i dont have to say it, u already kno...but in conclusion, Gold today plays the same role as gold did hundreds and hundreds of years ago, and it simply defines prestige...Gold comes from Africa, African Americans come from Africa, African Americans wear gold..shit is wat it is...

Angels and Politics

Shout out to all my 06 brothers, Black & Gold till i die

Reservoir Dogs

Big Tarantino fan and i must say this is definitely "classic"

Lucky #27

To be so talented and so young...Amy Winehouse now joins the high number of musicians who died at the age of 27 and most of them died because of substance abuse...imean this is why i say to ppl that you can't take life for granted..u can be here for one minute and gone the next...Winehouse joins:

Kurt Cobain (Singer in Nirvana) 1994- Suicide
Brian Jones (The Rolling Stones) 1969- alcohol/drug related
Janis Joplin (Singer) 1970- heroin overdose
Jimmi Hendrix (Guitarist and Singer) 1970 Overdose on sleeping pills
Jim Morrison (Singer in The Doors) 1971 heroin overdose

I really didn't start to appreciate soccer until I got to college and there are still many things that I dont know about the sport but I would like to put on 4 the US womens team for gettin off in the world cup...dope shit

Angels & Politics

The Dark Knight Rises

Extra cised for this film to drop....Batman Dark Knight is my favorite movie of all time, soo......yea it's that serious lol

The Scifen Company

Shouts out to my dude Jordan B for puttin me on...

This Decade's Allen Iverson

I can't speak for everyone else but i remember like it was yesterday when Allen Iverson was playing for the sixers and they went to the NBA Finals in 2001 against the we all kno that the Lakers demolished the sixers but the fact of the matter is that Iverson was barely reaching 6 foot and he single handedly took his team to the finals and winning the season's MVP award, all by showcasing his signature crossovers, tremendous ability to finish at the basket along with undeniable jump shot from anywhere on the court...imean the dude was averaging 30 points a game while being the smallest on the floor...Allen Iverson was always my favorite player because of that but now that he has retired, the torch has to be passed to someone and that someone is Brandon Jennnings...This dude has crazy handles, a jumpshot, and he's an unselfish point guard which is rare because he is a scoring point that can drop 55 on u in a game(slight jab to Golden State)...i've been hoopin with this dude on 2k lately and he's just incredible...imean he does it all and if someone were to ask me who the NBA's "Allen Iverson" of today is, it would have to be BJ...the Bucks also have a pretty legitimate squad on the low so im expecting big things from em...All in all, i would like to see Iverson fresh outta Georgetown against BJ now...that would be tough shit

Angels & Politics

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

In search of perfection...

I've been doing some self evaluating lately and as I sit back on this chair in my screened in back patio and sipping this corona, I think I have finally found the answer to most guys problems wen it comes to finding "wifey"...this isnt rocket science by all means but just hear me out...I can only speak for myself so i can personally say that i have realized that wen me and my dudes are sitting back and discussing the criteria that the future "Mrs" must uphold, I have to admitt, our requests and our criteria are impossible or better yet, unattainable!! Its like, as guys, we're sitting around saying we don't wanna talk to this girl bcuz she's done this or we don't wanna talk to that girl bcuz she doesn't do this and honestly this cycle will never far from perfect and anyone that knows me will concurr with extreme detail! but u cant blame us for wanting the best...Every guy wants the cream of the crop, everybody wants a dream girl that has a body like the females on the videos, looks like the famous actresses, super intelligent, extremely funny, has money, proper but alil hood, skinny but alil thick, a freak but still a conservative woman, rich but not obsessed with money, can dress but not a shopping maniac...imean the list goes on and on and it never stops. There will never be a female that fits this pre-conceived "mold" that u have at all times, each and every day...I believe there is a girl out there for every guy and vice versa but just because you are meant to be together and are compatible doesn't mean he or she is gonna be perfect!! There is nothing wrong with standards and I feel that everyone should have very high ones wen it comes time to dating but i guess the purpose of this post is to say lets not go overboard...just because that girl that u really like and embodies everything u look for in a girl but has done some things in his past that u dont approve doesn't mean u should completely pass over her all together... In conclusion, life comes at u fast and for those who are holding out for Mr and Mrs Perfect to come along are gonna be the ones with a nice ass crib wen they're 40 years old with nobody in it except a few cats and pictures of ur siblings kids and your best friends kids all around the house bcuz u didnt wanna take a chance...Theres nothing wrong with searching for a 10 but jus realize even Halle Berry, according to magazines one of the prettiest women in the world, can't keep a jus sayin

Angels & Politics

Summer Sessions

Monday, July 11, 2011

Necesities for your Ipod

What if...

There are many greats in the world who never had a chance to live out their dreams and talents due to unexpected misfortune...looking at these great celebrities just wants me to stress to all that tomorrow is not promised and yu never know what can up to your potential and do what you were placed on this earth the end of the day u never kno when the Good Lord will make that call for u.


James Dean

Kurt Cobain

Len Bias

Hank Gathers

The Art of Tricking Off

Sympin' ( according to the Gabe Hamilton dictionary): when a man allows himself to be manipulated by a female and he spends his time, MONEY, and thoughts about this female who ultimatley wants nothing to do with the man other than use him for goods/services.

Tricking off (according to the Gabe Hamilton dictionary): is when the female finds a gullible and most of the time sensative, usually a virgin, and unintelligent male without common sense, and most of all DESPERATE, and the she receives money, clothes, food, gifts, car rides, anything under the sun from the guy without giving him anything in return.

The reason I am writing this post is to help the herbs out who can't indicate the signs of himself being a symp and noticing if or when he is getting tricked off on..First of all, there alot of nice, sweet, and kind hearted women out there who have good intentions..but there are also women who thrive on the weak and the gullible and when they see a guy that they can pounce on bcuz they kno he would be easy to manipultate, its a wrap from that point on! 1st, if a female doesnt really like to talk to you or communicate much with you on a daily basis, but she wants to go out dinner or a movie and expects 4 u to pay...this is a warning signal...2nd if a female hasnt made an attempt to get to kno you on a more personal note and she hasn't gone out of her way to come see you, or u rarely have any communication with her but wenever she does hit u up, she needs a "favor"....tricking off....3rd, if u and the female date or talk or watever ur case may be...and u and her don't get intimate until you buy her that dress from the mall, or that new bracelet, or watever it is...9 times outta 10, she jus gave sum just to keep u around to buy more shit but at the end of the day, she tricked off!! I feel bad for the guys who thinks their girlfriends love them or care for them and as soon as you present them with facts about the girl, they start sympin and formulate excuses for her actions that are clearly unexcusable...MEN, don't drop bread on a female if she won't do it for u..thats all im saying because women are cheaper than men sometimes and they might be willing to mess wit random dudes but wen it comes to spending money on them they are extremely selective so u should be too...

Angels & Politics

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Everybody knos that Imma hip hop fanatic so Im constantly on the computer listening to new music...well it so happens that in March my LB Adam put me on to an artist named Moruf out of Irvington, New Jersey...he reccommended him to me because he knows the type of music i listen to and Im into that backpack rap/hipster vibe but this dude to me is more like a "The Roots" or a "Tribe Called Quest" type of feel..he's not extremely lyrical but he's more so than any of the shit they play on the radio plus his Garden State of Mind mixtape definitely you should download it...this kid is gonna be something great so i gotta give big ups to him.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I've noticed that Lacoste is another brand that has been out for a long time and it still hasn't lost any crediblility. If you go to the mall right now, u will see Lacoste on the shelves and it is NEVER on sale which tells me that the types of people buying them don't seem to mind the high price. One good thing about brands that remain high in price is that it eliminates the chances of society playing the style out because there aren't too many ppl that are willing to pay 70 to 80 dollars on a polo shirt. If you watch movies today or tv shows, u can see actors and actresses wearing Lacoste and even when you watch the old retro movies from the early 80s, u see the rich white guys wearing Lacoste back then..i personally think its a clean brand and the polos are definitely classic....

Angels & Politics


"Why does everything that supposed to be bad, makes me feel so good" I was listening to the Kanye West "Addiction" which is my favorite off late registration and I just thought Id post this..its weird because everyone has some sort of addiction whether we wanna believe it or not..whether its Money, Girls, Weed, etc we all have our particular ones..its weird to think about it n this way but for people with negative addictions, they end up with negative results like cocaine or crack for instance..those ppl end up strung out, homeless, unemployed, etc...but what about those ppl who have positive addictions, ya kno those ppl who just love reading and learning new things, or those who are addicted to math & science or technology..these are where the bill gates, the oprahs, and the warren buffets come into play..i guess all im trying to say is, if your addicted to something, i jus hope it can better you as person and your life for your future endeavors.