Monday, April 26, 2010

Pharrell and Louis Vuitton

I know this is old but i just had to post this video because one thing that intruiges me is that how prestigous Louis Vuitton is as a designer, picks a producer/rapper to help him design his own type jewlery line. That is mind boggling to me. Another thing I notice is how articulate Pharrell is. To be a rapper is one thing, but when you can be amongst the rich and famous, and the wealthiest people in the world, and you can address the public in such a way, this just goes to show that you can be cool and watnot and still be intelligent. Props to Pharrell, he's making a important impact on people all over.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Summer Vibe.....Angels and Politics

I cant wait for the summer to hit because just like all of you, im sure you are tired of the cold weather like I am. Imean its the end of April, and about to May next week and its still freaking cold outside at night. Im really trippin out about that, so wats my cure??? of course, its im going to put out music as it comes to my head that reminds me of summertime...and of course its going to be my kinda music which is always dope as shi*, so enjoy the Summer Vibe series as the Reeeeel Music series has come to an end....for now. And im sure its quite noticable that each song has Pharrell in it because im just a huge fan of his music and he's a phenomenal artist and he comes up with songs that are just simply "classic". Enjoy


N.E.R.D. Hot N Fun

Monday, April 19, 2010

Snoop and Kid Cudi

James Madison's Springfest

All I can say is, everyone in college needs to experience partying to this magnitude. If you go to a college like Mason, which doesn't have parties that often on campus, atleast once out of the 4 or 5 years in college, you need to go to James Madison for Springfest. Springfest is a weekend long event that goes on at James Madison once year and it usually happens shortly after the start of spring when the weather starts to warm up. Just picture thousands upon thousands of partiers from JMU, Mason, West Virginia, Virginia Tech, Old Dominion, etc all in the city of Harrisonburg for this event. It is basically tons of alcohol and drunk college students flooding the streets from Friday afternoon till Sunday, nonstop! This year was the biggest that Madison ever had, it made CNN news. There were riots against the police, the SWAT team shut down a whole apartment complex and blocked off roads by throwing tear gas at thousands of people, there were Helicopters hovering over the party....imean it was the craziest thing i have ever seen. All I can say, JMU knows how to party!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Obama at Mason

For those that didnt know, Obama made an appearance at George Mason discussing the new Health Reform bill that recently passed. I want to say that I felt like I was witnessing history seeing the President that close. I was used to seeing him on posters, tv, magazines, etc. But to be in the same stadium as him, and hearing him speak was remarkable. I had never been in a place with that many people at one time. I waited in line to see him at 6am in the morning and the doors didnt open until after 9. It was an all around great day, Im glad i could be apart of the whole thing....Angels and Politics

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Commonwealth spring line

This are just a few articles of clothing that caught my eye while parousing the commonwealth website, which i recommend to those who are trying to get on thier fly ish...they have some exclusive gear, so step up ur game, lol jk...but jus peep it, and A&P tees will be coming soon!!

Joell Ortiz (Reeeeeel Music)

Erykah....handlin' business lol

So im on facebook, and my nigga Joe says dat Erykah Badu is thicker den Nikki Minaj and dat caught my eye cuz if you dont no it yet, Nikki Minaj's butt is fake as "u no wat" lol but I figured she put out some new music so i went to check it out and i stumbled across her new video "Window Seat". I like the song, but she gets national attention bcuz in the video, she strips down naked in the public eye...but im feelin the song and i for what its worth, I support my nigga Joes statement!!! Angels & Politics