Angels & Politics is a clothing line that ive created in Febuary. It all happened kinda fast, and it came across as sort of an epiphany. The meaning of the line is basically angels represent the non materialistic things in life like faith, religion, spiritual kind of things. The politics is basically the opposite, which represent the cars, clothes, money etc..basically the materialistic things in life. So i guess its a depiction on wat u rather live life for, the angels or the politics.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Where do the weekends go??

On friday, i hit up the Sigma party that we had on campus. It was pretty live, i must admitt. It was better than i expected. After that i hit up the after party, and it didnt even start till like yea dat was wat that was. Wen i finally went to sleep, i woke up and it was 3 in the afternoon. So saturday night, me and my dudes hit up James Madison for this AKA party. That was a gud look, we had a good time there. It was alil drive to get up there, but we made it work. Shout out to my new friends that i made up at JMU, good lookin out on the chanellos pizza lol. But yea, we didnt arrive back on campus till like 7am the next day. a nutshell, the weekend jus goes in like a blink of an eye. Now its Monday again, and i got alotta work to do...time to get on it...
Angels and Politics

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Long time no see....

I havent been on the blog in a month or a lil over a month...and i have some explaining to do lol...Truthfully, i have been going thru alot of stuff this past month and i have to say that the Lord has brought me through all of it. All i can say is that college is fun, and everybody should be enjoying themselves but just make sure that you stay safe. There are sooooo many things and tempations out there and yu have to stay firm n ur faith. On top of that, school work piles up so you cant let it all build up. So i hope i can keep the world posted more often, but you have to understand that the lifestyle nowadays is soooo fast. As of rite now, im about to leave to go to James Madison, so imma make sure i Keep you posted. Angels and Politics

Attention Deficit

Im sure everybody knows that Im a huge wale fan, but i actually feel this album is 5 stars. Imean, not only are his lyrics topnotch but he has a nice array of different beats. Im sure everybody thought it would be all go go and its not that at all. He has party songs, songs for the females, and for dudes. Its all good music, and he has features from Bun B, J Cole, Chrisette Michele, Rihanna, etc... Wale really does his thing on this album, i suggest that everybody that doesn't even listen to him that often, just to give it a try, and just listen to the album all the way through. I believe its a classic. Angels & Politics
Monday, October 5, 2009
DC....A&P style

I went up to Howard this weekend, and i enjoyed myself. I cant even well, the DC lifestyle is pretty legit. Things are soo fast paced up there,and its totally different from what ive been used to in the 757. I was really planning going to a party at the University of DC, but instead i went to a house party at Howard. I met some cool ppls and i had a good time. I met up with sum old friends from school, so that was chill. But this school work is really in full effect. Im tryna stay afloat basically....but get at me... Angels & Politics

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
College College College.....

Man this work is coming at a fast not gonna well, im loving the college life but the amount of work aint nothin to mess wit. I feel like as soon as i get finished with an assignment from one class, i remember that I have stuff to do for another class. Plus it doesnt help that i have class at 730 in the morning and i have to wake up at 645!!! its aight cuz the LORD stays with me and the HOLY SPIRIT gets me through the day. Plus taking naps helps alot...anyways i gotta get started on my research paper for IT sooooo imma holla at u... still skywalking status...A&P
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Day & Night

Days are jus flying by seems like i jus wake up, go to class, go to sleep and do it all over again. Everything is all good tho, this weekend was a gud look. Friday i went to a frat party and chilled with sum friends around campus after...saturday i woke up crazy late and did alil classwork wit marquis. Den i chilled wit sum friends and went to another frat party...imean wen it hits the weekend, thats all it is...but now its sunday and im on my schoolwork stuff now. i got a lil flagfootball game in like a hour n half..ill make sure to keep yall posted.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
This is the Cowboys' Year

Im saying it now, this is the Cowboys' year. Some ppl believe that this is a rebuilding season and watnot...but thats not the case at all. This past weekend for the season opener, Tony Romo passed for a career high and the receiving corps. are catching everything that is coming their way. And we still have a solid defense. With a revamped offense being led by Romo and marion barber and Top defense being led by Demarcus Ware...i can only expect success from Americas Team... look out for em!!!
Blueprint 3

Ive had the Blueprint 3 for a minute and i have to admitt, i am really feeling this album..i respect Jay's approach on this cd cuz i feel like he does somethin different with each of his albums. It kinda has the feel of the kingdom come joint but i think its step up from it...He has alot of features, but everybody does their thing on it tho...big ups to Kanye, Mr. Hudson, Kid Cudi, Jeezy, Drake, Alicia Keys the end of the day, u can play the cd from beginning to end without skipping a track...Once again, Jay silences all critics wen he releases a cd...(game, jim jones, dame dash, t pain, etc.)
Welcome to the party life

Ummmm i cant even well, the parites in the DC area are crazy!! ive been to a couple of fraternity parties in fairfax also and dey were live 2...imean its jus a gud look. I like comin out der wit my A&P apparel on and ppl by like "yo dat shirt is tough" and watnot. i think up here, dey not used to the 757 steez...who knows, i may not b the 757, it could just be me lol...jk. but yea the party life is gud and i stay puttin on for my city...Chesapeake, Greebrier area, im here!!! SKYWALKING STATUS!!!
The college life

I know i havent kept up with this blog thing since ive gotten to college, my fault. I have been extremely, like seriously. Wen i first got on campus, i had to acclimated to the whole 703 culture lol. Its wayyy different from the 757. Imean its a real gud luk tho. Ive meet some mad chill ppl here. As soon as i got here, people were showin me love and the Angels and Politics movement, so dats wats up. College isnt a vacation tho..imean im constantly in the books. College is like a full time job! im at the library for a couple of hours everyday so....yea im really on top of it! but stay tuned in to the blog, cuz ders soooooo much more to learn about A&P and the college life!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
All good things must come to an end...

Today came soooo fast, it was kinda surreal. This is the day that i go off to college, George Mason University. Imean, it was jus yesterday that i graduated from high school. Before i knew it, today hit me and i was actually packin up my fathers 4runner wit all my posessions. I know imma have a great time at college because im rooming with my nigga and i also know a couple of mad cool ppl up there already. Today was a pretty cool day tho...after i packed up everything, my homeboys came thru and we chilled at the crib. Then i went to Macarthur Mall, Lynhaven Mall, then to the beach....i meant sum interesting ppl at all of these settings so it was real cool. It kinda made it a good way to end my summer and my time being in the 757. But dont worry about it, even though chesapeake is where Angels and Politics started, imma carry it with me no matter where I am. If anyone is ever in Fairfax or DC area, look me up. Im sure youll see me A&P'd down !
Gabe Hamilton
Skywalking status
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The A&P Team

First and foremost, i wanna thank my niggas James and Cam G with helpin me out wit getting Angels and Politics on its feet. Them dudes was there for me when i first thought of the line and they both helped out with ideas and designs. My nigga James helped distribute shirts at hickory high thru Suffolk thru North Carolina. He currently holding down the Angels and Politics affairs at North Carolina A&T, so if u live out that area, make sure u hit him up. My dude Cam G was my right hand man wen it came to selling shirts out my high school. Me and him came into school with our duffle bags and sold shirts everytime we had a new shipment. He also was there to help me with the line and he gave me good advice. Cam is currently stayin out Florida, so he's holding now A&P down there. Basically, as u can see, Angels and Politics is all over the east Coast bcuz imma b holdin it down in the Virginia and DC area.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Chillin chillin

I jus been chillin and waitin for the day of new beginnings...August 28th. College life, here i come. its gonna b a gud luk, im jus ready to go..Im ready to bring Angel & Politcs there also. Put sum ppl out fairfax to sum new fashion lol. This past weekend was busy. Went to going away parties, chilled with friends, went to the beach, and the movies... by the way GI Joe is legit! but on another note, i want to wish all those who are now in college and are about to start, a succesful school year and good times. 1
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The Full Lineup

These are currently all of the Angels and Politics shirts that have ever been created. We have had two different layouts and each shirt has something different to it. I like the colors that i have, they stand out and i believe each shirt is unique and creative. Be on the lookout for the new logo and new shirts coming soon!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Sneaker Genius

It jus hit me today that i spent toooo much money on sneaks...I dont no wat it is, i guess its an addiction lol. I cant count how many shoes I have becuase those are just the shoes that i have next to my bed. I have more in my closet. I jus think its my style to have like colorful, extravagant, outlandish kinda shoes! to me, it jus makes ur outfit stand out even more. So for all the people who are tryna to get on their skywalkin status, u have to have a mean kick lineup...cuz no outfit is complete witout fresh shoes.
Angels & Politics at the club

Yea i was at the club lasnite wit my homeboys....i have to say it was an interesting night. Imean it was pretty much like wat i expected lol, it was packed wit mad ppl and it was crazy hot! My tee was soaked by the time i left out the joint. Not to self, never wear fresh kicks to the club, cuz i wen i wlkd out, i was sooooo tight! But after the club got alil more interesting lol, but it was all gud! Get at me
Monday, August 10, 2009
Busy Busy Busy
I've been sooooo busy lately. i havent posted a new post in almost two weeks, my fault everybody. I ben out here making money and jus havin fun, basically. I actually jus got in the house, not too long ago from sellin my homegirl this tee shirt. She's goin to UNC chapel hill, so i guess A&P is gonna be moving in that area also. Im tryna get my shirts mailed outta state so i can expand my clientel. I have a friend dat wants a shirt in Michigan, so immma have to set that up. But i've also ben gettin ready for college. If u didnt no, i will be attending George Mason in the fall, so im excited for that. well I need to get sumthin to eat, so ill get at yall n alil bit.
Gabe Hamilton
Monday, July 27, 2009
New Joints.... I call it "Cotton Candy"
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I wanna give thanks to my colleague and my homegirl, Jerenda Manley, which is an up and coming artist from Virginia. We been cool since photography class with Mr. Livingston. Now we both have graduated and in college, and i think we r sooo cool because we both are trying to make something out of ourselves. We both have the same common goal, which is becoming succesful. Im trying to promote my line and she's promoting her music...she has my back and i got hers. Good looking out on the photoshoot and i gotta thank her sister Jasmine for taking the pics. If yall wanna learn more about Jerenda and her music, hit her up on myspace and facebook!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The Revenge of the Fallen
Transformers was a hell of a movie...It was better den the first by a long shot. The movie was action packed and it was also funny as hell. the nigga from Sector 7 had me weak the whole time. But i had no idea Megan Fox looked dat gud. Imean i knew she was bad, but i didnt no she was that tough tho! but anyways the movie is kinda long, like 2 and half hours. But all in all, i highly recommend it.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Sooooo Game and Jay are beefin nowadays. well i dont no if Jay is beefin but it is obvious that Game isnt really feelin Jay at this moment. Im sure we've all heard the new Game diss, i think its call im soo wavy or sumthin. i cant even lie, imma jay z fan to the fullest but that track kinda knock! i really dont agree wit all dat he says but i respect game for standin up to himself..unfortunately, im sure jay could end wats left of his career at any if i was Game, i would jus lay low. Instead of focusing so much on beefin wit jay, Game should focus on coming up wit a new material for his new album since his last album flopped so bad, he threatened to retire!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The July shirt is in! I call it "Kiwi Strawberry"
Monday, July 13, 2009
Today was jus one of those days...i felt like i didnt get a chance to jus chill until now..its like 1 22 am! but yea i had to drop my homegirl off at the high school at 10...i called to get my new shipment of shirts but dey ain come today..played basketball in the yard...worked out at the rec...then came home and my nigga obi came thru! Good lookin out on the help wit updating the blog. then chilled wit my friend at macarthur. then went to Red robin...finally capped the night off wit my close friends...had to get at my nigga on fight night round 3! but all in all, today was a good day! perfect words from ice cube
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Public Enemies

I jus got finished seeing this movie tonight. I have to give it two thumbs up. it was action packed and johnny depp did his thing on this joint. Its one of those movies dat u knew how it was gonna end up..but i was still on the edge of my seat basically the whole movie. If u like the old school shoot em up type films, den i would highly recommend dis joint.
Angels & Politics
Eff being fly, im sky walking!
Angels & Politics
Eff being fly, im sky walking!
Im finally here!

Its been in the works for a while but im finally on the blogspot representing Angels & Politics. The name is Gabriel Hamilton and my partner James Younger make up Angels & Politics which is the clothing line that i came up with February 2009. This is my first time blogging, so bear wit me. but yea, im pretty much a chill dude and im just tryna get my clothing line up and running.
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