I posted a status on facebook a week ago and I received a large amount of feedback..The question is very simple and that is "What happened to talking on the phone? since when did texting become the sole means of communication between people?" Now I have to say that I am a victim of this because this didnt just happen over night...this took years of bad habits of meeting new people or exchanging numbers with friends and the first thing u do once u get the number is text. Ive done it and im sure everyone has. With the constant texting back and forth that people do with each other is only harming the "ever so evident" problem that arises in people today and that is face to face communication....Do yu kno that person who u see in school or used to see in school and he/she was quiet as shit all the time, u never heard a peep from em..then once u add them on facebook u realize that those are the type of people that are constantly blowing up ur news feed and those are the ones constantly updating statuses on twitter..i always found that interesting...or the guy who stares a female down at an event or a kickback and u kno wat girls do( they hit the move where they recognize sum1 muggin em so they look away for a split second then turn immediatley back to see if that person is still staring), and after all of that he STILL doesnt say a word to u...but sure as hell, later on that night, he'll facebook chat u up or send u a message...these problems have started right here with these cell phones...people have gotten comfortable with typing up their thoughts from behind a cell phone or computer screen but when its time to go out and physically talk to ppl, they're lost for words..i think ppl have just gotten lazy dude..i think its more convenient for a female to ignore a guys text rather than telling a dude that she doesnt wanna talk to him on the phone anymore because 9 times outta 10, she'll just make up a lie just to get out of the convo...ppl don't seem to realize that u and the opposite sex can text all day everyday and still not kno anything about that person..through text u cant tell if a person is humorous, sarcastic, laid back, outgoing, etc..through texts u dont kno someones instant thoughts, u can't hear their voice, imean i can go on forever....I just think that the phone calls should come back...texting is incredible for checking in on ppl or for quick pieces of information but phonecalls also need to be incorporated...lets not forget those days in middle school or in high school wen yu and that special someone used to stay on the phone all night until the sun came up, jus choppin it up and rappin about any and everything..those conversations r wat build and establish bonds with ppl..after a phone convo with a person for hours and hours, u just naturally feel more comfortable and at ease with that person unlike texting...sorry i ran on and on about this..but once again, these are just my thoughts
Angels & Politics
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