Now i am not an aficionado of courting females and I won't front to anybody in saying that I am, but as Jadakiss says off of his Kiss of Death Album, "I Can only speak for the things that I've been through." This isn't for herbs or this isnt for dudes and females that pull the most either, I'm just laying down some of my personal rules and opinions that I feel that the public should know. I feel that if people follow these simple instructions, life would be so much easier and I'm sure the opposite sex well be more receptive to your approach.
1. Presentation is everything- to all the males that are approaching a female or when a woman sees you for the first time, the very first thing that she looks at is how you carry yourself and how you present yourself. Confidence is very important but it should be at a point where you dont come off arrogant or cocky. Please be aware of what you have on when you step out of the house. RULE 1: if you are wearing a clean button down shirt or even a nice polo with fitted jeans DO NOT wear tennis shoes. This is a conflict of outfit, why would u be dressed clean and like a GQ model from the ankles up and from then wen u look down, u look like ur ready to hoop in Game 7 of the NBA Finals. I see this soooo much and it pisses me off. Wen you have on an outfit like this, wear sperrys or some sort of boat shoes or loafers. Just complete the look, thats all im saying.
2. The Violent Outbursts need to stop- for the herbs that go to the beach/mall/ any public place where females are present and when you sit there and allow an attractive women walk directly past you and you don't say a word but as soon as she's 20 yards away, you suddenly become overwhelmed and have the urge to yell something ignorant or stupid like " A Girl with Red Shirt, you got a fat A**!" like cmon dude, ur a clown and I have never seen a dude become succesful with this approach. If you have something to say to the female, just let her know that you find her attractive in a civilized manner. Dont be a square and yell from across the street that you see her in her brown boots because clearly, that's evident. Lames crack me up when it comes to talking to girls. They have so much to say when they're far away but when they come close, they suddenly turn into Helen Keller...smh
3. Nobody likes a shy person- this is for that dry ass dude that is at an event whether its a simple kickback at your homeboy's crib and you have females over...and he's sittin in the corner by himself looking sappy. I understand that everybody isn't outgoing or going to be the life of the party, but how do you expect to get chose if you're not allowing females to witness your personality bcuz ur too busy being dry and motionless in the corner by yourself. Some dudes approaches are very different so by all means, do what works for you but if girl approaches you or a group of females sit down near your area, as a Male with some testosterone( use your balls) and boss up. Introduce yourself, shake hands, get a drink, just be personable but most importantly be yourself. I guarantee it will be so much easier to get chose.
4. Stay True to You- this is the last but most important rule that I have to getting chose. Females can tell from a mile away wen ur feedin them jazz like you used to do pick and rolls with the Karl Malone and John Stockton. Dude, dont use pick up lines or something that you saw from TV or a movie because that is for Hollywood and it doesnt work in real life. Dont lie to girls saying that you play ball for your college when you kno u dont because all she has to do is look you up on Google. Dont tell girls that your a rapper because sorry to break it to you, no legitimate female thats in college and is going somewhere in her life does not what to take a "rapper" home to meet Mom and Dad. Dont lie to females or guys about how many girls you've bagged in your lifetime because somebody always knows somebody who knows the truth and you will be EXPOSED and u should never lie on your wood!!!
Finally, above all, leave the Hawking for Joe Johnson in Atlanta...this means the obssessive facebook chats, poking, massive texts that you send and she never replies, etc...no girl wants that. Imean a girl appreciates persistence but never a "Lurch" like my LB Thompson would say..if you get a female's number and you've hit her up on two different occasions and she hasn't hit you back, sometimes you jus have to chalk it up and bow out gracefully. I hope I've helped some lost soul out there, please tune into part 2 coming out sometime in July.
Angels & Politics
Nice one! I hope loads of guys will see this.ON POINT!