Being that its been over 3 months since Ive updated my blog, it feels weird sittin down and typing this post. The last time I did this was like mid august when I used to sit on my back patio late at night with a glass of sangria...now not too much has changed, im not outside because of the cold weather but I did sip alil White Zinfindel lasnight with my close friends and my fraternity brothers...It feels good to be back home because I dont come back often so its comforting to sleep in your own bed and be in your own living room etc...Trying to catch u up on my life for these previous months is impossible becasue so much has transpired but I can sum it up pretty quickly. Its been school work on top of school work on top of school clubs/organizations and "slight" partying on the weekends...Thats been the daily grind since Ive gotten back to school..Its wild to think that the semester is going to be over in like 2 weeks and december is days away...I feel like it was just yesterday when I was coming back from those long days at Budweiser and I used to call and tell my brothers how much I despised that line of work...but all things come to an end and I thank GOD that job ended...now Im looking foward to the holiday season which is my favorite season...Im like a little kid when it comes to christmas time..Im not a big fan of the presents anymore because Im blessed and I really dont need much...I just really like the Christmas Cheer, the music, the decorations, christmas movies etc...Its kinda deep tho cuz this year my funds are pretty low so I hope my parents are expecting too much, but this whole winter break is gonna be a come up for me...Im working on getting a job on campus for the spring semester, I have an internship lined up for the summer so I plan on being in a good spot by summer..Most likely you wont hear much from me again until the winter break so I just wanted to drop a couple of posts until that time...for the people that are first timers on the blog, I suggest you go back into the archives and read some of the articles I posted in the summer, there is a lot of positive insight and Rare material in those posts...I hope you enjoy what you see and please support the movement because Angels & Politics is here for the long hall...
PS: Im cised as shit right now that the NBA Lockout is over...now the major ass whoopin in 2k12 can commence..shout to the NBA Rookies that are about to get paid